Customer Testimonials

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Lebanon VA Medical Center

I would like to again thank Bradley Sciocchetti for the exceptional service provided to the VA Medical Center in Lebanon, Pennsylvania during the inspection by the VA contracted ACCE Facilities Management Services and Boiler Efficiency Institute on 8/16/10 thru 8/18/10. The inspection was an overwhelming success (we aced it, no deficiencies) due to your technical assistance and the dedication and professionalism of your staff.

I look forward to future projects with Bradley Sciocchetti due to our continued outstanding trust and professional relationship with your company.

Rodney Hackman

Ocean County College

I am writing to inform you of the outstanding support offered me this past winter by your employee, Andrew Leberknight.

We are looking toward the future where we can solve any problem we face together and eagerly look forward to increasing the scope and authority of our controls monitoring system.

Chris McFarland

Overbrook Educational Center

Thank you for providing training at the Overbrook Educational Center. We appreciate working with quality manufacturers who understand the importance of making sure the users of the systems are trained by the experts.

You clearly are the experts!

Mary Gaffney

Barth Elementary School

Thanks you for your help with the start-up at Barth Elementary. Greg Glasson was a real professional and an asset to your firm. It is a pleasure to work with your firm.

I just received drawings for six more of the identical boilers and look forward to working with Bradley Sciocchetti on the schools. All work is ESCO work in the same district. Thanks again!

James P. Gaffney

JF Hierholzer Mechanical & Electric

I just wanted to drop you a note and say thanks for helping me out a couple months ago, when I was looking for a burner. I was hired by my customer in the fall to replace a steam boiler in a church gymnasium in Philly, which is used as a PAL center, and the weather was getting cold, as was my customer. The job was an oil-to-gas conversion, and as usual PGW dragged their feet getting the new service approved and installed (didn’t get the meter set until last week of December!), so, as a result I needed to get a CR1-GO-10 combo burner so that they could burn oil until the gas service was done. Of course Weil-Mclain didn’t have what I needed in stock, and the local supply house that supplied the boiler had no clue as to how to get me on

That’s when I called you. You directed me to Hudson Heating Wholesaler, up in North Bergen, New Jersey, and they had one on the shelf! Nice folks too. As a result of your help, we got the heat on for the PAL center, a place where as many as 50 kids come every day after school to be involved in good programs in a supervised environment, thus helping to keep them off the streets where crime is almost inevitable nowadays.

Thanks again for your help.

In the dog-eat-dog business world we often deal in, it’s always a pleasure to have an ally that we can count on.


Frank Hierholzer